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Panel options

Some panel options can be configured from the Panel>Preferences panel (see preferences panel).

, see Figure 2.6, “Preferences Panel (Metal Look & Feel)”.

Figure 2.6. Preferences Panel (Metal Look & Feel)

Options for the Swing User Interface

The group UI Toolkit/Swing UI in the Preferences panel lets you choose the Look & Feel of the Swing user interface and whether window decorations (title bar, borders, etc.) should be provided by Swing or by the native window manager of your system. The set of available Look & Feels depends on your Java and GroIMP installations: GroIMP's binary distribution is bundled with the Kunststoff, Liquid and Tonic Look & Feels, the web page Javootoo provides a rich set of Look & Feels together with instructions how to install them. Figure 2.6, “Preferences Panel (Metal Look & Feel)” displays Java's default Look & Feel, Metal.

If you switch to another Look & Feel in the Preferences panel, the user interface will be redrawn immediately. However, changing the window decorations option only takes effect when a new window is opened. Also, there are Look & Feels which do not support window decorations.

user-guide/panel_options.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/29 16:23 by gaetan