Teaching Aid

Dispersal (1 species)


Copy/Paste the following code to your GroIMP project:
/* Model of plant dispersal with circular plants.
You will learn:
– How a simple, stochastic seed dispersal model can be implemented
in XL,
– how a simplified model of stand structure with circular trees
looks like (without taking competition into account),
– how the time steps are explicitly counted,
– how a data set of population strengths is generated automatically
and plotted as a chart in an extra window at run-time.

module Plant(int t, super.radius) extends Cylinder(1, radius)

/* green plant, circular when seen from above */

double pgrow = 0.9; /* growth of radius per timestep */
double seed_rad = 0.1; /* initial radius of a plant */
int pmaxage = 20; /* maximal age of a plant */
int pgenage = 12; /* minimal age required for reproduction */
int pgenint = 4; /* time interval for reproduction */
double distmin = 15; /* minimal distance for seed dispersal */
double distmax = 70; /* maximal distance for seed dispersal */
double pminrad = 9; /* minimal radius for reproduction */
double pgenfac = 0.5; /* ratio (number of seeds):radius */

int n; /* counter for the time steps */

const DatasetRef population_size = new DatasetRef(“population size”);

/* dataset (table) for chart */

protected void init()

/* column of table is prepared */
chart(population_size, XY_PLOT); /* Chart is initialized */
n = 0;
Axiom ==> Plant(0, seed_rad);

public void make()
Plant(t, r), (t > pmaxage) ==> ; /* plant dies from high age */

Plant(t, r), (t >= pgenage && ((t – pgenage) % pgenint == 0)
&& r >= pminrad)
==> for ((1 : (int) (pgenfac*r)))
( [ RH(random(0, 360)) RU(90) M(random(distmin, distmax))
RU(-90) Plant(0, seed_rad) ] ) /* seed dispersal */
Plant(t+1, r);
Plant(t, r) ==> Plant(t+1, r+pgrow); /* vegetative growth */

population_size.addRow().set(0, count( (* Plant *) ));

/* all plants are counted, noticed in the table and plotted */
println(n); /* output of the actual time step as a number */


DATE: 2009


AUTHOR: W. Kurth


DESCRIPTION: see model


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