Teaching Aid




Copy/Paste the following code to your GroIMP project:
You will learn:
– exponentiation with **
– the use of arrays
– the use of mathematical functions (e.g., Math.min)
– the use of user-defined functions (methods)
– the difference between functions and arrays

module A(int order);

protected void init()
[ Axiom ==> A(0); ]

// as a reference: without arrays and functions
public void run0()
a:A ==> F(0.8**a[order]) [ RU(30) RH(90) A(a[order]+1) ]
[ RU(-30) RH(90) A(a[order]+1) ];

const float[] len = {1, 1, 0.5, 0.2};
const float[] angle = {40, 50, 80, 100};

public void run1()
a:A, (a[order] < 4) ==> F(len[a[order]])
[ RU( angle[a[order]]) RH(90) A(a[order]+1) ]
[ RU(-angle[a[order]]) RH(90) A(a[order]+1) ];

public void run2()
a:A(o) ==> F(len[Math.min(a[order], 3)] * random(0.6, 1.4))
[ RU( angle[Math.min(a[order], 3)]) RH(90) A(a[order]+1) ]
[ RU(-angle[Math.min(a[order], 3)]) RH(90) A(a[order]+1) ];

// Attention: here, a method (function) is used which is called “len”.
// This function should not be mixed up with the array.
// The call of a method is as follows:
// methodName(parameter)
// The access of an element of an array is done as follows:
// arrayName[index_of_the_entry]
// Definition of the method with the name “len”
private float len(int o)
if (o < 2)
return 1;
if (o == 2)
return 0.5;
return 0.8**o;

// public method: uses the user-defined method “len”
public void run3()
a:A ==> F(len(a[order]))
[ RU( angle[Math.min(a[order], 3)]) RH(90) A(a[order]+1) ]
[ RU(-angle[Math.min(a[order], 3)]) RH(90) A(a[order]+1) ];


DATE: 2009


AUTHOR: W. Kurth


DESCRIPTION: see model


Welcome to the website grogra.de. This site is the web centre of growth grammars of the Department Ecoinformatics, Biometrics and Forest Growth at the Georg-August University of Göttingen and its cooperation partners.

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