
A city generator


DOWNLOAD: city.gsz


DATE: 17.04.2008


AUTHOR: Ole Kniemeyer


DESCRIPTION:  This is a model of artificial growth of buildings. Given a set of existing context buildings and trees, new buildings are added with initially circular shapes. These shapes grow by moving away from the center, thereby respecting obstacles, i.e., other buildings or trees, (designed for the seminar “Artificial Growth Processes” held at BTU Cottbus).


HOW IT WORKS:  Use this model as follows: “Reset” creates a new initial city of context buildings with random placement. These buildings may be moved interactively. Then “initializeBuildings” places a set of artificial buildings into the city. If you are not satisfied by the chosen random placement, “initializeBuildings” may be invoked again. Finally, “Run grow” lets the artificial buildings grow. Click on “Stop” if growth needs to terminate.


Welcome to the website This site is the web centre of growth grammars of the Department Ecoinformatics, Biometrics and Forest Growth at the Georg-August University of Göttingen and its cooperation partners.

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