Teaching Aid

Pipe model (sequential mode)



Copy/Paste the following code to your GroIMP project:
/* You will learn:
– how thickness grows according to the “pipe model”
– can be modelled with the help of queries and relations.

– In this example, growth in length and growth in thickness
are strictly separated.
– This means, you have first to execute the rule block grow_l
(to ensure visibility of the thin shoots, switch to wireframe
display!) and then grow_d for growth in thickness.

module B extends Sphere(0.4)
{{ setShader(GREEN);}};

module C extends Sphere(0.5)
{{ setShader(RED);}};

module S(super.diameter, int todo) extends F(10, diameter, 2);

// todo is set to 0 when the diameter contribution of this
// shoot for the next shoot below was already taken into account.
// Then the shoot is no longer marked.

module T(super.diameter) extends F(10, diameter, 14);

// marked shoot: it shall propagate its diameter downwards.

float D0 = 0.001; // initial shoot diameter (nearly 0)
float D1 = 1.0; // final diameter of the distal shoots

protected void init()
setDerivationMode(PARALLEL_MODE); // default mode: parallel
[ Axiom ==> S(D0, 1) B; ]

public void grow_l() // growth of the structure in length
B ==> [ RU(35) S(D0, 1) B ] [ RU(-35) S(D0, 1) B ];

public void grow_d() // growth in thickness: sequentially,

{ // top-down
S(d, t) B ==> T(D1) C; // marking of the distal shoots

(* s:S(d, t) +> RU(x) *) T(y) ==> S(y, 0),
{ s[diameter] = Math.sqrt(d*d + y*y); }; // pipe model!

// continued marking downwards:
s:S(d, t), (empty((* T(y) -ancestor-> s *)) &&
empty((* B -ancestor-> s *)) && t != 0 ) ==> T(d);


DATE: 2009


AUTHOR: W. Kurth


DESCRIPTION:  see model


Welcome to the website grogra.de. This site is the web centre of growth grammars of the Department Ecoinformatics, Biometrics and Forest Growth at the Georg-August University of Göttingen and its cooperation partners.