Teaching Aid

List of examples used as teaching aid

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Poplar model
Poplar model
Koch curve / triangle
Koch curve / triangle
Schoute architectural model
Schoute architectural model
Two blocks of rules
Two blocks of rules
Attims architectural model
Attims architectural model
Growth with opposite phyllotaxis
Growth with opposite phyllotaxis
Koch curve / coloured
Koch curve / coloured
Koch curve / modules
Koch curve / modules
Leaf texture
Leaf texture
Conditions (1)
Conditions (1)
Conditions (2)
Conditions (2)
Two conditions
Two conditions
Left context
Left context
Right context
Right context
Actualisation rule (2) / enlargement
Actualisation rule (2) / enlargement
Actualisation rule / with texture
Actualisation rule / with texture
Labelling of nodes
Labelling of nodes
Stochastic L-system
Stochastic L-system
Lateral branches
Lateral branches
"for" loop
“for” loop
Dispersal (1 species)
Dispersal (1 species)
Plant dispersal model (2 species)
Plant dispersal model (2 species)
Actualisation rule (1)
Actualisation rule (1)
Access to attributes
Access to attributes
L-system rule and SPO rule
L-system rule and SPO rule
Query (1) / transitive hull
Query (1) / transitive hull
Query (2) / ancestor
Query (2) / ancestor
Query (3) / reversed edges
Query (3) / reversed edges
Query (4) / operator "empty"
Query (4) / operator “empty”
Sequential and parallel mode
Sequential and parallel mode
Pipe model (sequential mode)
Pipe model (sequential mode)
Pipe model (with minDescendants)
Pipe model (with minDescendants)
Query (5) / operator "instanceof"
Query (5) / operator “instanceof”
Query (6) / if/else on rhs of rule
Query (6) / if/else on rhs of rule
Poplar model prototype
Poplar model prototype
Poplar model prototype
Poplar model prototype
Poplar model prototype
Poplar model prototype
Poplar model prototype
Poplar model prototype
Model of transport process
Model of transport process
Model of cone for shadowing
Model of cone for shadowing
Instantiation rules
Instantiation rules
Poplar model prototype
Poplar model prototype
Poplar model prototype
Poplar model prototype
Spruce model
Spruce model


Welcome to the website grogra.de. This site is the web centre of growth grammars of the Department Ecoinformatics, Biometrics and Forest Growth at the Georg-August University of Göttingen and its cooperation partners.